
  • But Finding Things For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 22. 15:09

    Click to expand.I rather naturally expect the damned thing to work as advertised. Worked fine in Panther, bloody useless in Tiger. This is -not-, no matter how many blog pages you point me to, my fault. Not should I be wandering around the internet looking for magazine articles on how to use 'Find' in a Mail program. That which was simple and worked fine under one OS, is utterly broken under the new version of that same OS. This is a bug Martin, not a whinge.

    But finding things for macbook

    I really don't see the need for your defensiveness about it Apple are as capable of writing buggy nonsense as anyone else. Tiger to me feels a lot like System 7.5.5 did, bloated and loaded with things that almost work but not quite. This is not an Apple fan group. If you want adoring praise to be sung from the heavens each and every time they release something, I'm sure there are forums for that. I won't be joining you.

    App For Finding Things

    You surely cannot be serious in expecting people to start mucking with advanced IMAP settings, IMAP-server specific mind you, in order to get a 'Find' command working. Especially when this is clearly a regression from Mail 1.x, where it worked without trouble.

    Mac OS X has a number of commands that will help you find things. There’s find, grep and way more. But the easiest of them all to use is locate.

    ForApp for finding things

    To run locate simply type the word locate from within terminal followed by the case sensitive string of what you are looking for. For example, if you want to find all files with the word Krypted in the name use the following command: locate Krypted Keep in mind when using the locate command that it will also find files that have the name in the path, so if I have a folder called Krypted, every single file in that folder will appear.

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